To achieve high performance and quality that we offer our customers all security guards corresponds according to Law no. 333 of 2003, trained and properly equipped. These equipment includes transceiver radios, firearms (just in case) - irritating tear gas spray, mobile phone, thus providing maximum protection and security in any situation.
Monitoring/intervention department equipped with a computerized system, and a large number of intervention team and agents help us to be as fast as possible.
At the request of dispatcher service, if an event occurred at our any customers (burglary, panic, sabotage, fire control system, network failure, battery discharge problems in siren circuit), intervention acts soon to solve problems.
Among in our services is design, implementation and maintenance of alarm systems, video surveillance and access control.
Alarm systems are the best choice if you want protection and safety of certain property, home and family or a whole company.
Video surveillance systems are used for tracking and recording of images in certain areas or places where different activities take place.
Our unique training programmes (including web based training modules), our management support systems and our staff commitment charter have resulted in our having one of the most loyal, well trained and thoroughly professional workforces in the industry. This qualification covers a period of 90 days, a total of 360 hours, according to level I of qualification.
The subjects taught during the course are:
Free consulting services provided for clients to support in making of decisions in order to choose appropriate solutions. From initial planning and contract award the Event Manager takes full responsibility for the event contract, client interface, best practice, consultation and performance. Our management team is considered been experts in the field of crowd management, stewarding and crowd safety.
(1) Sunt interzise orice înţelegeri între întreprinderi, decizii ale asociaţiilor de întreprinderi şi practici concertate, care au ca obiect sau au ca efect împiedicarea, restrângerea ori denaturarea concurenţei pe piaţa românească sau pe o parte a acesteia, în special cele care:
a) stabilesc, direct sau indirect, preţuri de cumpărare sau de vânzare sau orice alte condiţii de tranzacţionare;
b) limitează sau controlează producţia, comercializarea, dezvoltarea tehnică sau investiţiile;
c) împart pieţele sau sursele de aprovizionare;
d) aplică, în raporturile cu partenerii comerciali, condiţii inegale la prestaţii echivalente, creând astfel acestora un dezavantaj concurenţial;
e) condiţionează încheierea contractelor de acceptarea de către parteneri a unor prestaţii suplimentare care, prin natura lor sau în conformitate cu uzanţele comerciale, nu au legătură cu obiectul acestor contracte.