Aramis Security

ConsultancyFree consulting services provided for clients to support in making of decisions in order to choose appropriate solutions. From initial planning and contract award the Event Manager takes full responsibility for the event contract, client interface, best practice, consultation and performance. Our management team is considered been experts in the field of crowd management, stewarding and crowd safety.

VIP escort
Our Agents responsibilities for bodyguard service:

  • to protect the person who ensures bodyguard attacks against life-threatening;
  • ensure the physical integrity, health or assets;
  • take the first steps to save the person receiving bodyguard when she was injured;
  • not execute on demand bodyguard, activities that exceed its statutory duties;
  • to notify the police unit as soon as they have data or information about forthcoming training or commit crimes;
  • to stop and immobilize people have jeopardized the life, physical integrity, health or property of the Beneficiary and immediately hand them over to the nearest police unit without abandoning bodyguard duties;
  • to attend, at the request of state authorities to fulfill their missions assigned to catch criminals without violating obligations to the person that has guarded;
  • to cooperate with state authorities with responsibilities in the field of defense, public order and national security.

Protocol services, personal protection and bodyguards can be offered for both your company's management personnel and for their visitors.

Protocol services:

  • pick up to the railway station, airport, transport;
  • hotel bookings, conference rooms;
  • organizing events;
  • translation;
  • providing trained personnel for protocol actions:
  • companions;
  • drivers;
  • hosting;
  • interpreters.


Ask about our offer

Legea concurentei 21 / 1996 - Art. 5

(1) Sunt interzise orice înţelegeri între întreprinderi, decizii ale asociaţiilor de întreprinderi şi practici concertate, care au ca obiect sau au ca efect împiedicarea, restrângerea ori denaturarea concurenţei pe piaţa românească sau pe o parte a acesteia, în special cele care:

a) stabilesc, direct sau indirect, preţuri de cumpărare sau de vânzare sau orice alte condiţii de tranzacţionare;

b) limitează sau controlează producţia, comercializarea, dezvoltarea tehnică sau investiţiile;

c) împart pieţele sau sursele de aprovizionare;

d) aplică, în raporturile cu partenerii comerciali, condiţii inegale la prestaţii echivalente, creând astfel acestora un dezavantaj concurenţial;

e) condiţionează încheierea contractelor de acceptarea de către parteneri a unor prestaţii suplimentare care, prin natura lor sau în conformitate cu uzanţele comerciale, nu au legătură cu obiectul acestor contracte.

Call the dispatcher


Aramis Security
Intrarea Tineretului, Nr. 1, Ap. 3
535600, Odorheiu-Secuiesc, Harghita
Mobil: +40 745-487 611 | +40 74-203-8585
Mobil: +40 741-216 371
Telefon: +40 266-217-370
Fax: +40 266-217-370
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Regional dispatch

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Miercurea Ciuc



Odorheiu Secuiesc

Cristuru Secuiesc

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