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Among in our services is design, implementation and maintenance of alarm systems, video surveillance and access control.
Alarm systems are the best choice
To achieve high performance and quality that we offer our customers all security guards corresponds according to Law no. 333 of 2003, trained and properly equipped. These equipment includes...
Monitoring/intervention department equipped with a computerized system, and a large number of intervention team and agents help us to be as fast as possible....
ARAMIS SECURITY LTD was formed in 1998 to influence and inspire the security marketplace by providing thoroughly professional and accountable security services, established on the basis of 100% private capital, permitted under Law 333/2003.
Our main activity is the protection of goods and people:
Since its establishment, our company is engaged in a continuous process of development, we hold a diverse portfolio of clients serving more than 500 customers - companies and individuals.
Quality policy focuses on customer demands, to adapt to the customer's necessity, support services guaranteed by more than 170 employees, focused on ethical working practices coupled with inventive recruitment and investment in our staff has culminated in strong trading performance and market recognition.
Our client retention rate is incredibly high and we have a proven track record of real expertise, of meeting our commitments and for providing exceptional value for money.
(1) Sunt interzise orice înţelegeri între întreprinderi, decizii ale asociaţiilor de întreprinderi şi practici concertate, care au ca obiect sau au ca efect împiedicarea, restrângerea ori denaturarea concurenţei pe piaţa românească sau pe o parte a acesteia, în special cele care:
a) stabilesc, direct sau indirect, preţuri de cumpărare sau de vânzare sau orice alte condiţii de tranzacţionare;
b) limitează sau controlează producţia, comercializarea, dezvoltarea tehnică sau investiţiile;
c) împart pieţele sau sursele de aprovizionare;
d) aplică, în raporturile cu partenerii comerciali, condiţii inegale la prestaţii echivalente, creând astfel acestora un dezavantaj concurenţial;
e) condiţionează încheierea contractelor de acceptarea de către parteneri a unor prestaţii suplimentare care, prin natura lor sau în conformitate cu uzanţele comerciale, nu au legătură cu obiectul acestor contracte.